
The United Republic of Tanzania

Tobacco Research Institute of Tanzania (TORITA)


Prof Gration M Rwegasira
Board Chairperson
Prof Gration M Rwegasira

Dr. Gration M. Rwegasira is a Senior Lecturer in Agricultural Entomology, a Coordinator for the Directorate of Undergraduate Studies and the Acting Director of Planning and Development at Sokoine University of Agriculture. He received his basic training as an Agronomist majoring in soil science and land management with ample aspects of Crop Science and Production through a four-year degree program at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in Tanzania after which he graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Agronomy (Merit category). His performance, discipline and dedication to work saw him retained at the University as a Research Assistant cum Tutorial Assistant in the Department of Soil Science. Prior to joining SUA he had a 3-years involvement as a Research Assistant in Agronomy, Breeding, Pest management and Postharvest with the Tanzania National Root and Tuber Crops Program at Ukiriguru Agricultural Research Institute. As an Agronomist he had likewise performed excellently in the Crop Science Courses that led him to be awarded the SADC Best Student Award Scholarship by the Belgian Development Cooperation to pursue studies in Masters of Science in Crop Protection at the University of Zimbabwe which he successfully completed with a MERIT class. He was later employed by the Natural Resources Institute (UK) through the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture as a Research Associate and later promoted to a Research Fellow in Tropical Whitefly projects tasked to coordinate the program to manage the vector-transmitted Cassava Virus Diseases and Sweet Potato Virus Disease pandemics in Tanzania and ensure food safety. During that time he extended his outreach work to link with International organizations that were working to restore food security in the Refugee Affected Areas of the Lake Region including; The Norwegian peoples’ aid (NPA), Concern, GTZ and REDESO through consultancy, training of researchers, technical advises and oversaw the multiplication and distribution of viral disease resistant planting materials. He worked with the Plant Health Inspectorate Service of Tanzania to devise strategies to quarantine the Lake Zone of Tanzania against CMD-UgV. He also worked with International Potato Centre (CIP) to conduct adaptability and promotion of Orange Fleshed Sweetpotato under VITAA program. His impressive performance saw IITA awarding him a scholarship for PhD studies on Epidemiology of Cassava Brown Streak Disease at the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa. While on his PhD he joined the SUA Department of Crop Science and Production to serve as an Academician the work he still does. In 2012 he was selected to join the Faculty Exchange Program with the USDA through which he served as academic member of staff (Faculty member) at the University of Missouri, USA for one semester (July-December). During his term at Missouri he attended various training in Mycotoxins analysis and mitigation; Sanitary and Phytosanitary Services; Crop Pests Risk Assessment, Risk Management, and Risk communication by WTO. Curriculum Development and teaching methodologies were likewise well covered. Apart from lecturing on Crop Protection, Agronomy, Pesticide use and application technologies, he serves as a Lead Scientist and co-leader in various National, Regional and Internationally funded Research and Development projects ranging from Pest Management, Environmental Conservation, Nutrition, Access to Improved Seeds, Agronomy and Molecular studies. He is a Chairperson to the Tanzania Bio-Control Advisory Committee. He served as a member of the Tanzania National Bio-safety Advisory Committee to the Vice President Office from 2013-2015. He is a Chairman of the Board of Directors for Crop Bio-Sciences Laboratories. Dr. Rwegasira is a dedicated, hard worker, a visionary leader and has traveled extensively within Tanzania and around the globe on Research, Academic and Development endeavour.