Introduce product for Pesticides research trials
- The product must be registered by Tropical Pesticides Research Institute (TPRI)
- The client should fill in the forms available on website ( indicating the active ingredients of the product and the stage of application of the product
- The client will be offered a control number to pay for the costs of evaluation of the product. The cost is 2000 USD per product
- The trial will be conducted for two seasons, the first season it will be done on station at Tumbi-Tabora and the second season it will be done on farm in different agro-ecological zones
- If a client wants to introduce a new product with new active ingredients the trial will be conducted for three crop seasons
- Once the trial is over the final report will be submitted to Tanzania Tobacco Council for approval to be used in tobacco production
- If the product performs well a client will be issued a certificate to enable him/her to bid tender in tobacco marketing system.